Chubby Royal Raspberry |

Chubby Royal Raspberry

Chubby Royal Raspberry Chubby Royal Raspberry, Size 6
Buy: Chubby Royal Raspberry
Code Size Unit price Stock Shipping Quantity
Code: FM830106 Size: 6 Unit price: 3,5 EUR Stock: 10 pcs Shipping: promptly -+
Code: FM830108 Size: 8 Unit price: 3,5 EUR Stock: 3 pcs Shipping: promptly -+
Code: FM830110 Size: 10 Unit price: 3,5 EUR Stock: Shipping: unavailable -+

The Fulling Mill Chubby sets itself apart from the rest as it sports a unique material for the wing that holds dry fly dessicant better than any other on the market today.

Producer: Fulling Mill
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