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Eshop: For helping hair to fall in line. Without a stacker to even the tips, the wings or tails made from hair just won't look right.
Eshop: For helping hair to fall in line. Without a stacker to even the tips, the wings or tails made from hair just won't look right.
Eshop: This is a unique tying material for small streamers. Hends Zonker Strips are made from narrow strips 1.5 and 2.
Eshop: This is a unique tying material for small streamers. Hends Zonker Strips are made from narrow strips 1.5 and 2.
Eshop: These are stripes of rabbit pelt are 4 mm wide, ready for making very effective streamers of a Zonker type.
Eshop: These are stripes of rabbit pelt 6 mm wide, ready for making very effective streamers of a Zonker type.
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